Home made writing pad

Ha ha, I guess the little birdie showed you this image? :wink:

Making these pads is super easy:

  1. Cut paper to size
  2. Make a neat stack and press it hard (you can use a proper booking press, I just used two floor tiles and big stack of books)
  3. Apply some bookbinding glue (getting the correct glue is the one important step) to the side where you want the binding to be.
  4. Wait until it’s dry (maybe apply a second coat)


  1. Compressing the stack of paper is important so that the glue doesn’t seep between the sheets. You only want to hold them together at the edges.
  2. The correct glue really is important. It’s less moist (paper won’t warp) and much more elastic.

As to why I did it: Well, I do have a lot of time on my hands now (work cut my hours by 50%) and my preferred ruling for letter writing isn’t available. I like a very faint 4mm dot grid with a 1cm white border. I used to use a clipboard with a single sheet, but somehow writing on a proper pad is so much more fun!

You also get to try all kinds of paper:

  1. Clairefontaine Clairmail 60gsm printer paper: No bleed or feather, fairly cheap but a bit rough
  2. Clairefontaine 50gsm printer paper: Much the same, but a bit lighter
  3. Tomoe River: I’ll have to see if it’s sturdy enough for tearing off a page, also it’s so thin that my printer draws in multiple pages so it’s a PITA to print on it (unlike the two above).
  4. Double A printer paper: Haven’t tried it, but I hear it’s good and you can use both sides
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