Preferences don't seem to stick

I have noticed that the columns I select (or deselect) seem to get reset between uses. Shouldn’t this be a preference that is tracked and restored? It is somewhat irksome that I must deselect columns whenever I want to edit a pen entry. Can this preference be saved and restored upon logging in to the site? Also, if these preferences can’t be saved/restored, can the edit option be moved to the front of the line to make it easier to edit an entry?


Sorry about the issue. The preferences currently do indeed get lost when you’re logged out. I never experience this much personally as I don’t have to login very often. Could that maybe be the issue? How often do you need to login? I don’t remember the actual time span for it, but it shouldn’t be too often.

Obviously, in the end it should end up being persisted somewhere else, but until then I do wonder if you can maybe look at how you’re logging in (do you click the “remember me” checkbox?).


For security reasons (work habits), I log out of sites when finished. I’ll try to remember not to do that with your site. I’m just used to sites automatically keeping track of my preferences without having to indicate I wanted those preferences tracked. I’ll make sure the ‘remember me’ button has been checked. Thanks for your reply. This site is of great use to me. Best investment in my hobby I have ever made.

Yeah, ideally the settings should be stored in a more permanent place. They eventually will be, but it was just the easiest to do it that way and I never got around to changing it. It’s just me doing all the work, which means I can only do so much and stuff like that gets put at the back of the list.

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